Freiraum II is an exciting location for bespoke functions. Modern technical equipment and catering services with local dishes from the HEIMAT Kitchen+Bar help to get your team on track and to sail the seven seas of creative inspiration.
Event Ideas
Product Launch
Product Launch
From lip balm, to the new novel series, right up to sports cars packed with horse power - good ideas need effective launches in order to have a successful start on the market. The 25hours locations are as diverse as the products unique. Be it big and grandiose or cosy and small - do you already have a brilliant idea and your breakthrough is within reach? Maybe you still need a little inspiration.
Radio and TV Broadcasts
Radio and TV Broadcasts
Live talks, unplugged radio concerts, or TV shows - we can meet all of your requirements in the various spaces at the 25hours Hotels. Send us your requirements - we’ll take care of it. There’s even space for eager spectators. Simply contact us and we won’t only find a solution, but exactly the right way to implement it that leaves none of your wishes unfulfilled. Live broadcasting for TV radio right from the heart of the city.
Album Release
Album Release
The new album: Check! The big day is here. Now, the big wide world should listen and recognise the true artistry. We have exactly the right locations for this - be it cosy and intimate or big and fabulous. For twenty, a hundred, or even hundreds of listeners. With a live set or a sound system with bass tubes and the perfect sound. We even have instruments available on site at some hotels. Just do your thing and win the audience over with your new album. We have everything you need and the perfect spaces for a flawless release party.
Press Conference
Press Conference
Your press appearance really needs to make waves? To do this, not only the product has to be right, but also the venue. At our 25hours Hotels in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, we offer personalised solutions for the perfect setting. Classic conference rooms with seating, cosy lounges with a fireplace or a panoramic view over the city - whatever suits your product or target groups best, we’ll work together to host the perfect press conference.
The new lookbook for the coming season needs to be shot? The next edition of the magazine has a feature on Berlin? Zurich or Hamburg? The photographer is booked, but the matter of the right location hasn’t been resolved? Our 25hours Hotels, with their individual hotel concepts, offer tailored spaces for photoshoots with a passion for detail. Whether it’s in a bathtub with a view over the Vienna MuseumsQuartier, on the roof terrace at the 25hours Hotel Bikini Berlin with a view of chimpanzees and elephants, or in the colourful, urban world of the 25hours Hotel Frankfurt The Goldman in Frankfurt’s east end. Our hotels are as diverse as the fashion and culture themselves.
Your company is in its infancy and your new offices aren’t ready yet? We would be happy to provide our rooms for castings and recruitment interviews. Whether it’s on a small scale or somewhat larger. Be it individual hotel rooms, the lobbies, bars, or restaurants - we have the right venue for any casting event. Just click through to have a look or come and visit us in person. Many rooms can be adjusted as required to meet your exact needs.
Assessment Centre
Assessment Centre
Let’s get down to business. Which of the applicants is potentially the right candidate for a management role? Individual or group assessments, management audits, or an evaluation assessment centre - when discretion has the top priority, we’re the right choice. Even just for a cosy get-together at one of our restaurants or bars - there is a personalised solution for all kinds of requests. And the possibilities are endless at the 25hours Hotels.
The patterns have been returned to the drawers, the sewing machine is now gathering dust. And the most important thing: The first collection is ready to wear. Before you take it to Milan, Paris, or London, how about your own pop-up at one of our 25hours Hotels? Even the biggest designers started small and unconventionally and presented their pieces to the public. Or is there a new product launch in the pipeline? Thanks to our locations in the major cities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the potential customer base is already present and won’t miss your pop-up.
25hours Hotel Hamburg HafenCity p +49 40 25 7777 820